Studio High-End USB to 4 Headphone amplifier
Product design and realisation of four channel high-power class A headphone output driven by high quality USB to DA conversion.
Subwoofer with acoustic port control
Acoustic and Electrical design and realisation of 500W subwoofer based on Thiele parameters and servo controlled port variation.
Midi Faderbox
Innovated, specified and designed a Midi manipulation mixer allowing Midi codes to be manipuated interactively on stage for Clarance Barlow.
MidiLodika Music instrument
Created a Music instrument able to translate gestures into Midi codes so audio syntheses of sampling technics can be controlled to make music.
Life Recordings
Realized a life recording in Turin for the International Mosel valley concert band in cooperation with the Incontrocanto Choir from Turin.
Sound corrections and voice synchronisation
Realized backgroun noise and distorsion corrections for the sound tracks of Carte Rouge. Realized voice synchronisations for this film.